Kearny Street Workshop’s (KSW) APAture starts this September 18th and runs through the 29th. What is APAture you ask? APAture is:
“an annual multidisciplinary arts festival presenting the work of emerging Asian Pacific American (APA) artists
living and/or working in the San Francisco Bay Area. APAture’s mission is to provide emerging artists with an early experience presenting their work at a large event; to build audiences for emerging artists; to strengthen the sense of community among our emerging artists; and to raise awareness of the existence of and diversity within the APA arts community. APAture values community-building, ethnic and artistic diversity, and collaboration across ethnic and disciplinary lines. Now in its 9th year, APAture includes a visual arts show, film screenings, workshops, panel discussions, literary readings, performances in spoken word, music, dance, theater, and other performance genres, and an area for zinesters and comic artists to display and sell their work.”
See you there! You can buy tickets in advance at: