Yes, count ’em, 15 straight years that the United Nations has rejected the Republic of China, i.e. Taiwan, from entering the United Nations, as reported in the Associated Press today:
“UNITED NATIONS (AP) — A key General Assembly committee rejected Taiwan’s bid to join the United
Nations on Wednesday, … St. Vincent and the Solomon Islands — two of Taiwan’s allies — spoke in favor of putting the item on [Taiwan’s entry into the U.N. on] the agenda, while China and Egypt spoke against it, Tisovsky said….On Tuesday, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said Taiwan’s application was not accepted for legal reasons, because of the 1971 U.N. resolution that gave China’s seat to the Beijing-based People’s Republic of China…Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian told a videoconference last week that a referendum is the best way to show the world whether the majority of Taiwan’s 23 million people favor the island gaining a U.N. seat.”
It would be very interesting to see what China would do if Taiwan did hold a referendum, regardless of the outcome. Would China attack Taiwan as it has promised in the past, with the 2008 Beijing Olympics occurring just 5 months later? I’m betting that China would not – there would be such a huge backlash. Then again, who would have thought that the Chinese would have sent in troops into Tiananmen Square on June 4th, 1989?