We Vote Ernie on GayBloggies.com

ErnieThe second annual blog battle sponsored by QueerClick has begun: Gay Bloggies 2007. Twelve contestants have been selected to blog against each other in competition. The master of ceremonies presents to these contestants various topics to blog about or tasks. Readers in the blogosphere vote for their favorites and at the end of each week, contestants with the lowest votes will be kicked off.

This year, our beloved Ernie, of the award-winning “Little. Yellow. Different.” and the founder of 8Asians.com, will be competing for the grand prize of cash and…and other prizes? Ernie, do you want to comment here on what those other prizes are?

The first challenge has gone underway, which is for each contestant to introduce himself. See Ernie’s here: “This is the part where I introduce myself.” To vote for him, click on the “thumbs up” image at the end of the entry on the right hand side. Check back weekly as each new challenge is given and click into Ernie’s post to give him the thumbs up!

About akrypti

small town roots. enthusiast of many trades. oh, and yeah, high-maintenance like you wouldn't believe. tweet with me @akrypti.
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