The Los Angeles Times does an interesting profile of Chinese-American Rickmond Wong and his love of Japanese ramen noodles and his food blog / website on ramen, “Rameniac” in the article (1/2/07), “He’s the rock star of ramen“:
“Wong’s website,, is a lively compendium of all things ramen, one of the best of the food sites by single-topic fanatics. There is an in-depth discussion of Japan’s regional styles of ramen (22, according to Wong). There are reviews of ramen restaurants. There are reviews of packaged ramen. There are even videos of ramen being made and slurped. There is a forum for discussing ramen and ramen-related issues. Wong says
that he eats ramen several times a week when he’s at home in Los Angeles and that he’ll slurp almost nonstop when he visits Japan. “Last year I ate 18 bowls of ramen in 14 days,” he says. “I came back and ate only salads for a month. But while I was there I had to get my ramen.” Next year’s vacation is already planned. “I’m going to bicycle across Japan eating ramen,” he says.” … A mop-topped 33-year-old who was born and raised in the San Gabriel Valley, Wong is the child of Cantonese immigrants. He works as a Web designer for Universal Studios and, with a partner has just started Qio, a clothing store on Pico Boulevard in West Los Angeles dedicated to Japanese street fashion.”
I quite like ramen myself (and noodles / pasta in general), and live not too far from two ramen noodle places in Mountain View, California – Maru ichi and Ryowa – both excellent choices if you are on Castro Street and are craving ramen.
And a quick YouTube search on the keyword “ramen”, provided me a link to this educational and entertaining video backgrounder on ramen in Japan in “Life In Tokyo: Vlog #23 Ramen.“