Jackie Speier announces run for Congress

Jackie for CongressToday in Foster City, California former Democratic California State Senate Jackie Speier announced her candidacy for the 12th U.S. Congressional district of California, in a bid to replace retiring Representative Tom Lantos for election November 2008. Why am I writing about this – because of my major pet peeve that there are very few Asian Americans interested, active and involved in politics as part of our democracy in the United States.

The 12th Congressional district composes of parts of San Francisco and San Mateo County – where Asian Americans account for, according to the census, 32% and 23% respectively, of the population. I saw only a *handful* of Asian Americans in attendance at Leo Ryan Park on a beautiful Sunday, and hardly the 23% to 32% of Asian Americans that make the 12th Congressional district. Shame on you my fellow Asian Americans! Get out and get involved in your government – it’s your country too! You can see parts 1 & part 2 of the video clips I took of Speier’s announcement on YouTube.

About John

I'm a Taiwanese-American and was born & raised in Western Massachusetts, went to college in upstate New York, worked in Connecticut, went to grad school in North Carolina and then moved out to the Bay Area in 1999 and have been living here ever since - love the weather and almost everything about the area (except the high cost of housing...)
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