In “13-Year-Old Blazes a Lane in Swimming’s Olympic Pool,” Lia Neal is profiled as is quite possibly on her way to the Olympics in August. In January, in her last competition in a 50-meter pool before turning 13 on Feb. 13, Neal swam the 100-meter freestyle in 56.87 seconds – which was 0.32 seconds better than the cutoff to compete in the United States Olympic trials from June 29 to July 6 in Omaha”:
“… Neal stands out, anyway, because of her deft strokes and her dark skin. The youngest child of an African-American father and an Asian mother, she has been compared to another biracial prodigy who blossomed in a mostly white sport. The connection to Tiger Woods is perhaps inevitable, but Neal prefers being mentioned in the same breath as Cynthia Woodhead, a swimmer in the 1970s who, like Neal, qualified for the Olympic trials in the freestyle as a 12-year-old.”
Damn, 13 years old, and Neal is possibly going to be an Olympian? I think when I was 13 years old, I was barely able to do a couple of lapse in the pool without getting out of breath!