I was on Facebook when I noticed that a friend of mine had become a “fan” of “Vincent Who?” and I thought to myself, “What is this all about?”
Vincent Who? is a new documentary about Vincent Chin, a Chinese-American who was brutally murdered in Detroit in 1982 in a case of mistaken identity at the height of anti-Japanese sentiment. More than twenty-five years later, the documentary “Vincent Who?” revisits the case and its effect on the leading Asian-American community activists of today and the future leaders of tomorrow:
“Interviewees and speakers include Helen Zia (leading activist during the Chin case), Stewart Kwoh (Founder & Executive Director, Asian Pacific American Legal Center), Judy Chu (Chair, California State Board of Equalization), Mike Eng (California State Assemblyman), Renee Tajima-Pena (Producer & Director, WHO KILLED VINCENT CHIN?), Frank Wu (Dean, Wayne State University Law School), Janet Yang (Producer, THE JOY LUCK CLUB), Justin Lin (Director, BETTER LUCK TOMORROW) …[and many other prominent Asian-Americans.]
If you happen to be in Chicago on April 19th, you can catch a sneak preview of the film during the Asian American Film Showcase: Gene Siskel Film Center, 164 North State Street, Chicago, Illinois, 5:30 PM. Here is a trailer for the documentary: