Tila Tequila successfully negotiates peace in the Middle East, world rejoices

In other completely false news, Tila Tequila is the reason that California dropped its ban on gay marriage last month.

Ok, we all know that Tila Tequila was not responsible for negotiating peace in the Mid East nor the recent court rulings in California. But can you believe that she’s actually giving herself credit for the latter?

“It is because of me — I definitely think [my show] has helped the movement,” she told Usmagazine.com at the Hollywood premiere of The Love Guru on Wednesday.

“Before it came out, everyone was still a little apprehensive about [same sex relationships],” she said. “Then they realized, ‘Wow, everyone is really into this stuff, and it is fine.’ The next thing you know, [gay marriage] is legal.”

Thank you, Tila.

Forget all the truly groundbreaking hard work that LGBTs have done over the last few decades. Forget everyone at Stonewall, Harvey Milk, organizations like PFLAG and COLAGE, Ellen DeGeneres, Sheila Keuhl, Matthew Shepard, Barney Frank, Jenny Pizer and Doreena Wong, any of the Gaysian heroes compiled by Prince Gomolvilas, and countless others who actually deserve some credit for this… WE OWE IT ALL TO YOU AND YOUR MTV REALITY SHOW, TILA!

h/t: Grace Chu

About jozjozjoz

jozjozjoz is a taiwanese-american gal who lives and blogs underneath the hollywood sign and who doesn’t clean her fishtank unless the fish starts to do the backstroke. she is also able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, but cannot stop from bumping into door handles, cabinet doors, and anything else that protrudes or has a sharp edge. she does not run with scissors for this same reason. she can pet the fur off a dog but don’t ask her to go anywhere near a horse. or a moth. or a roach. her dealings with L.A.’s finest (aka the parking violations department) are legend, as are her giant sneezes. Other than the two too many joz’s, jozjozjoz is a perfectly normal, relatively sane individual who defies the odds, reaches for the stars, and carries moonbeams home in a jar. She’d rather be a fish… but not in her own dirty fishtank. http://www.jozjozjoz.com
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