America’s Best Dance Crew: So You Think Asians Can Dance?

Uh…yeah. We’re not all nerds. I mean, deep down inside, we are. But after finishing up MTV’s live auditions for the new season of America’s Best Dance Crew, I realized how nice it was to see a healthy representation of Asian Americans in mainstream television. We may have a long way to go in our scripted shows, but at least we can dance (and win!) against some stiff competition on a popular dance show.

I’m excited to see that out of the 10 dance crews set to compete every week for Randy Jackson’s title of “Best Dance Crew” (couldn’t they have come up with something better? Like, “Awesomest Dance Crew Like EVER”?), almost all of them feature a stylin Asian American kid. Yay.

(Though I must say that Team Millenia, one group who celebrated their Filipino background, did not deserve to go home last night.)

And now I won’t really know who to secretly root for as the competition unfolds. I mean, you should have seen how heartbroken and dejected I was after Dale was eliminated in this past season of Bravo’s Top Chef, because although he did act like a spoiled brat, I always have to support other Asians in entertainment!

So let’s get all excited for Season 2, because while we struggle to find equal footing on both the big and small screens, we can always dance! Or something cheesy like that.

PS. I sound super chipper, don’t I? I’m just trying to stay positive, because I’m about to watch the pilot of Samurai Girl and already want to gouge my eyes out with how horrible it sounds.

PPS. Watch the dance videos here.

About Moye

I am a Japanese-American girl who was born, raised and is most probably stuck in traffic right this second in Los Angeles. I'm currently one of the co-editors of 8Asians and like to distract myself with good food, reading long books, playing video games, catching up on celebrity news, choosing my new new haircut and then writing all about it on Hello Moye and sometimes here on Twitter if I can get it in under 140 words or less. You can reach me at moye[at]
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