Sassy Korean Guy Sings Mariah Carey’s “Touch My Body”

No comment needed, although I like how he does the “point in the air” thing at random times throughout the song. Or how he touches his body at the 1 minute, 58 second mark. Because, you know, that’s the name of the song, and he’s being all literal and shit.

My personal highlight from this song is, of course, the 37 second mark: “cuz if you onion munya breaka bagel seeka tunday boo, i will hunt you down. [points to camera]” Indeed, friend. In-fucking-deed. (Link from my co-worker Derrick)

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About Ernie

I'm the creator of 8 Asians and one of the editors. While I'm a regular blogger to the site as well, think of my role as Barbara Walters on "The View," except without the weird white hair. During the day, I'm a Developer for a major Internet company and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've also been writing in my blog,, for seven years.
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