8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Who Is The Asian Woman Sitting Courtside At Lakers Home Games?
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Daughter of the Late Pat Morita Protests Karate Kid Remake
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
Monthly Archives: December 2008
What does Shinseki mean to the Department of Veteran Affairs?
Over the weekend, retired four star Army General Eric Shinseki, was appointed as the Secretary of Veteran Affairs in the new Obama administration. So what does this mean for one of the largest government agencies? Personally, I don’t think it’ll … Continue reading
Posted in Observations
Tagged Army, Cabinet, Japanese American, Obama, Secretary, Shinseki, Veteran Affairs
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Obama to appoint Obama retired Gen. Eric Shinseki to be secretary of Veterans Affairs
Asian Americans are often stereotyped as being quiet, unassertive and not willing to standout and openly disagree with differing opinions. General Eric Shinseki can’t be accused of this. But who is Eric Shinseki, you ask? “General Shinseki, testifying before Congress … Continue reading
Posted in Observations, Politics
The perfect holiday gift: Yao Ming Transformer!
Let me narrate the thoughts of the recipient opening this gift for the first time: What’s this? It’s just a plastic basketball. Yo this thing sucks! You can’t even bounce it!
Posted in Entertainment, Sports, WTF
David Chiu is the First Asian American EVER to be Elected to Represent Chinatown
This past week, the the San Francisco Department of Elections officially completed the Ranked-Choice Voting result for City Supervisor, District 3, and officially called the election for David Chiu; Chiu defeated Joseph Alioto 59.37% to 40.63%. Believe it or not, … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Observations, Politics
The Chinese Don’t Know of the Fortune Cookie
Alas, they do not. Ernie had written a post earlier in the year on where exactly the origins of the fortune cookie came from. So when I saw this video on Hyphen, I was actually not too surprised that the … Continue reading
The 8Asians Writers Asks: Read Any Good Books Lately?
Our internal e-mail lists have us discussing all kinds of stuff: Asian American identity, representation in the media, the experiences of activism in an academia setting and its progression as we transition to the working, adult world. And sometimes, we … Continue reading
Posted in TalkAbout, The Arts
Is “My Mom is a FOB” Hilarious, Culturally Insensitive, or Both?
FOB, of course, being short for “fresh off the boat.” Joz: What do you think? http://mymomisafob.com Ernie: AWESOME. Joz: The thing I don’t like about it is lack of context. Joz: It makes it sound like they are mocking their … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Observations
Chinese-American activists oppose any Bill Richardson cabinet nomination
I was starting to blog about Bill Richardson when I started to get emails by Chinese Americans protesting against him becoming a cabinet member in the Obama administration. Well, today, Obama formerly announced that he was nominating Richardson for Secretary … Continue reading
Posted in Observations, Politics
David Henry Hwang Writers Institute New Works Festival: FALL 2008 Reading Series
So a few of my friends having been working on plays for a workshop at EAST WEST PLAYERS for the David Henry Hwang Writers Institute. The Workshop Leader is Prince Gomolvilas, Thai American playwright and awesome blogger, to boot. So … Continue reading