“When you get past the first gate, you drive in for a while and then you have to get through another gate in order to get to her house.”
“You mean she lives in a gated community within a gated community?”
The Higley 1000 web site, a web site that investigates racial segregation in wealthy American neighborhoods, states that Asian-Americans are over represented in the wealthiest 1000 neighborhoods in the United States, with Asian-Americans being 4.4% of the population in these areas compared to being 2.9% of the general population. Of the top 25 most heavily Asian-American wealthy neighborhoods, the most concentrated neighborhood, the Mission Peak foothills, is 74.6% Asian with a median income of $211,773. This area was #633 on the list. The Fremont Place neighborhood in the Los Angeles area is #29 out of the 1000, 54.2% Asian with a median income of $381,500. 3 out of the top 4 neighborhoods are near Mission San Jose area near Mission San Jose High School, which was discussed here on 8asians.
The above conversation with my Daughter happened when I was getting directions to the house of one of her Asian-American classmates in the fourth wealthiest Asian-American neighborhood of Avalon Heights in Fremont. And yes, her friend really lives in a gated community within a gated community.
While the Higley 1000 concentrates on the wealthiest neighbors, I think it would be interesting look at segregation in the poorest neighborhoods. I would suspect that the income distribution of Asian American neighborhoods would be bi-modal, with large numbers of both wealthy and poor Asian-American neighborhoods.