The Philippine News recently reported that an order of nuns in Manhattan called the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart have filed a lawsuit against a Filipina tenant in one of their apartments for cooking Filipino smoked fish, otherwise known as tuyo.
The allegations have gone back and forth with the nuns accusing the tenants, Gloria Lim and her husband Michael, of “endangering life and health” with her cooking; and the tenants accusing the nuns of racism, with Mrs. Lim defiantly saying that she will continue to cook and eat tuyo.
Unless the nuns can prove that the tuyo is detrimental (which frankly it isn’t–I’ve been eating it all my life without any ill effects, and I like eating tuyo for breakfast with some eggs and tomato and onion salad), I don’t think they have much of a case. And given that these nuns claim to be missionaries, you’d think they’d be a little bit more openminded about non-American foods.
Frankly, they should be lucky that Mrs. Lim isn’t a fan of other things smelly, like durian, French cheeses, or lutefisk, which frankly is ten times worse than measly tuyo.
(Flickr photo credit: Curry puff, lah!)