Cute 4 Year Old Pitches Windows for Microsoft

This recent Microsoft TV commercial features a cute four-and-a-half Asian American girl named Kylie. Kylie is pitching how easy it is to take photos from her digital camera to her PC, fix the photos and upload them to share to her family members using Windows Live Photo Gallery, since it’s a commercial after all.

Nothing too revolutionary here, but I think it’s great that Microsoft is mixing it up and showing men, women and kids of all ages, races, creeds and religions, especially in its fight against Apple’s I’m a PC campaign. But why did they choose Kylie, besides the fact that she is, of course, adorable? Can Kylie really do all of those things with the PC at her age? “She’s Asian, of course she did it on her own,” replies a recent snarky YouTube commenter. “Being smart is in the genes.”

About John

I'm a Taiwanese-American and was born & raised in Western Massachusetts, went to college in upstate New York, worked in Connecticut, went to grad school in North Carolina and then moved out to the Bay Area in 1999 and have been living here ever since - love the weather and almost everything about the area (except the high cost of housing...)
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