8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Who Is The Asian Woman Sitting Courtside At Lakers Home Games?
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Daughter of the Late Pat Morita Protests Karate Kid Remake
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Asian American Frozen Foods: Trader Joe’s Korean Style Beef Short Ribs
Monthly Archives: March 2009
Pros and Cons of Web Products in the Chinese Market
By Niniane In recent years, there has been a good deal of talk about the rising importance of the Chinese market. Companies hold seminars on how to conduct business in China. Many of my American friends took Mandarin classes. Given … Continue reading
Posted in Business
Current.tv’s Euna Lee and Laura Ling to be Indicted and Tried by North Korea
You may have read a few weeks ago that Current.TV reporters Euna Lee and Laura Ling (sister of Lisa Ling), were detained in North Korea, as their guide reportedly lead the two across the border into North Korea accidentally while … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Food & Drink, Lifestyles, Observations, Politics
Epik High’s (Bad?) Attempt at Humor
This past weekend, Korean Hip-Hop group Epik High independently released their new book/album Map the Soul via their website. Similar to Radiohead’s release of In Rainbows which was released on their website and allowed each fan to pay as little … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Entertainment, Music, Observations, WTF
Outdated Immigration Laws Cause Kids To Suffer Most
Supporters of Proposition 8 in California argued that it didn’t take away any rights from same sex couples, and couples could still get domestic partnerships. This was of course little comfort to the 18,000+ couples that already married in California … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Family, LGBT
Tagged gay rights marriage immigration
Turn a $10 Donation Into $10,000 For Underprivileged API Youth with OASES
My friend works for OASES (Oakland Asian Students Educational Services), a non-profit org geared towards empowering youth who have limited resources, particularly those in the Asian and Pacific Islander communities of Oakland through providing educational services and social support. Help … Continue reading
Mixed Company of Yale’s “Single Asians” Isn’t Very Funny
People that go to Yale University live in another Universe. While most students at other school are clearly content with beating their own pledges (or killing the pledges at other fraternities), undergrads at Yale join weird fucking societies with skulls … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Music, Reviews
Bobby Flay Can Totally Bite It
Those who talk to me on a regular basis know that I’ve spent far too much time sequestered at home satisfying my obsessive interest in culinary adventures by watching a crapload of Food TV. And then you’ll hear me talk … Continue reading
Secret Identities: An Asian American Superhero
When I was growing up, I always wondered where the Asian American superheroes were. I wasn’t a comic book junkie, but I was a fan of Saturday morning cartoons, Sunday comics, and the occasional comic book. In college I discovered … Continue reading
Posted in Announcements, Current Events, Entertainment, The Arts
Tagged comic book superhero secret identity
NSFW: Justine Lai Paints Herself Having Sex with US Presidents
What is the meaning of modern art, anyway? Is it meant to shock and titillate? Is it meant to question the surroundings around us and start a conversation? Even if art as a whole isn’t meant to make a statement, … Continue reading
Posted in The Arts, WTF
San Francisco: Hyphen Magazine’s SIX in the City Party
Before there were blogs, there was actual magazines. (You know, magazines? Printed on paper? That you old in your hands and turn the pages?) Hyphen Magazine is one such magazine catered to the Asian American community, and the fact that … Continue reading
Posted in San Francisco Bay Area
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Say My Name: Changing my Adoptive Name
By Chunsoon Sitting down in a chair the other day, a funny thing happened: I turned a year older. It got me thinking about my name. Six months earlier I’d handed over some papers and a check for two-hundred dollars; … Continue reading
Posted in Lifestyles, Observations
WANTED: Asian GMAT Test Taker
Everyone knows that times can be tough during a recession, but if you’re Asian and you’ve taken the GMAT before (wait, aren’t those two things synonymous?), this could be the perfect job for you. Ernie — who always likes to … Continue reading
Posted in Education