8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
Internet Page Reveals How to Talk Dirty in Tagalog
Asian American Frozen Foods: Trader Joe’s Korean Style Beef Short Ribs
Monthly Archives: March 2009
The Everest Women of Nepal
It’s rare that you get to read about women successfully scaling the peaks of the Himalayas. Less than a year ago, a group of 10 Nepali women climbed to the top of Mount Everest to celebrate the achievements of women … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events
Eugene Kang: White House Hottie Nominee
Everyone’s favorite lefty newsblog came out with a fun little poll: “Who’s The White House’s Hottest?” One of the hotties in the running is 25-year old bachelor Eugene Kang, special assistant to Obama and political activist. Kang is also noted … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Granta.com’s “Portraits of My Father”
From Granta.com comes a beautifully written piece by Alexander Chee on his father, which is actually a series of recollections on authors and their fathers. I don’t think there’s anything more that needs to be said by me since I’d … Continue reading
Posted in Observations, The Arts
East Meets West: How the Brain Unites Us All
When I was growing up, my dad liked to talk about how Americans and Asians thought differently. He always referred to it as right brain versus left brain thinking. As an immigrant he of course had Asian thinking, while his … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Education, Family, Health
Tagged eastern western thought brain psychology
Just Your Typical Soy Sauce Love Story Commercial
For all the alarmists out there that media is contributing to the blight of interracial White Guy/Asian Girl relationship, y’all are gonna love this Chinese soy sauce commercial, which involves — yes, you guessed it — a boy and a … Continue reading
Posted in Food & Drink
Music that Doesn’t Suck: Utada’s “Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence – FYI”
Okay, so Utada’s 2004 English only album Exodus didn’t do so great. Besides a brief club hit for her first single Devil Inside, the album reminded people more of Bjork than of the mega-popstar sound that people expect from her … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Music
27th San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival
The 27th San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival is starting this week, from March 12th to the 22nd, and the San Francisco Chronicle does a preview and reviews some of films; I have attended the film festival almost every … Continue reading
Posted in Announcements, Current Events, Entertainment, Movies
“Why am I the Coolest Asian You Know?”
This weekend I went to Hoboken for their St. Patrick’s Day Parade. St. Patrick’s Day in Hoboken is basically an excuse for everyone to get very drunk and celebrate in public; its telling that when someone asked my Irish Catholic … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Observations
UC Berkeley Students Protest Panda Express
While catching up on my twitter feeds, I noticed a rather interesting article from rayfilwong‘s blog, Campusfork: UC Berkeley students protest Panda Express. Apparently a group of 40 students last week protested after Panda Express expressed interest in setting up … Continue reading
Posted in Food & Drink, Observations, San Francisco Bay Area, WTF
Twitter Alert: McCain Criticizes Federal Cash for Japanese-American Museum
The Senate is currently debating a $410 billion funding bill intended to allow smooth functioning of the Federal government through the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year. Senator John McCain has consistently campaigned against earmarks, also better known as … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Observations, Politics