It’s common in most metropolitan areas for one culture’s food to be crossed into another, and when it’s for a good cause, all the better. The Fulton street location of popular burrito chain Papalote will be serving Mexipino — that’s Mexican-Filipino — goodness for TONIGHT ONLY, combining Chicken Adobo with Garlic Fried Rice, topping it off with tomato slices and wrapping it in a tortilla. Restaurant owner Miguel Escobedo — Mr. E amongst his DJ circle of friends — will donate 30 percent of all sales to help support the victims of Tropical Storm Ketsana (aka Ondoy) in the Philippines. It’s handheld comfort food, and it’s also going towards a good cause. I was fortunate enough to partake in the taste testing this past Tuesday evening and was floored by how good this burrito was; it tastes the way my mom makes it.
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