Racist Confrontation Between NYC Traffic Agent and Chinese Man

It’s hard to believe that this sort of thing still happens, and yet, here it is: earlier this week in Manhattan’s Chinatown, traffic agent Twana Chapman was about to put a parking ticket on a car when the owner, Qiang Nian Zhu, tried to stop her. Zhu tried to explain that he still had a minute left on his meter, and that his wife was in the process of paying for another meter ticket. Witnesses report that Chapman began cursing at everyone around her: “You f—— Chinese, go back where you came from. All of you f—— Chinese.” Chapman then struck Zhu when he covered the registration sticker on his dashboard so she couldn’t scan it. Chapman then called the police, and Zhu was thrown in jail. He was released after 9 hours. Witnesses also report Chapman’s supervisor tearing up the parking ticket at the scene. So far, the NYPD says complaints about racial epithets have not been filed.

About Linda

Linda Chan lives in New York City. She is interested in all issues Asian, particularly Asians in media and entertainment. She watches what some would consider an unhealthy amount of TV and blogs her sometimes snarky thoughts here: http://lindastv.blogspot.com.
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