(Mostly Asian) High School Student Newspaper Runs Supremacist Ad

A bunch of white white supremacists pulled a fast one on the Student Newspaper staff of Lowell High School in San Francisco, pulling a bait-and-switch and redirecting a web address left in an ad to an a “campaign to inform, awaken and radicalize our White American youth.” Except they may want to work a bit harder on their research when sending ads to high schools: Lowell High, the High School the supremacists targeted, is only 15% White. (The school is over 60% Asian.)

About Ernie

I'm the creator of 8 Asians and one of the editors. While I'm a regular blogger to the site as well, think of my role as Barbara Walters on "The View," except without the weird white hair. During the day, I'm a Developer for a major Internet company and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've also been writing in my blog, littleyellowdifferent.com, for seven years.
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