[Jan 11] SOUTHERN CA: MAPID API Writer’s Group

The initial meeting of MAPID’s API Writer’s Group!!
Writers will be challenged by exercises and assignments, both group and individual. Participants will also be able to get positive and supportive criticism and feedback on their individual projects. OIne of the goals is to prepare participants to be a professional writer.

There is no fee.
At this time, the capacity has been reached for the writers group.
More information; mapid.us/writersgroup.

Previous release:

NOVEMBER 15, 2009
CONTACT: KEN CHOY at [email protected]

Mavericks of Asian Pacific Islander Descent (MAPID), the producer of Breaking the Bow, announces the Asian Pacific Islander Writers group. Focus is on new and emerging writers but all are invited to apply. Due to space restrictions, the group will be limited to 10 at this time and will be formed by an application process. The group will explore varied forms of written expression including but not limited to playwriting, screenwriting, short story and long form writing. The group will concentrate on individual and collective writings with a possible project arising from the group for production at Breaking the Bow 2010. Commitment and a supportive nature are imperative. The group will also participate in giving back to the community which may include volunteering opportunities. Diva attitudes and selfish personalities need not apply.

Meetings are slated to be held evenings of every 2nd Monday of the month in Studio City, CA. Meetings will begin in January 2010.

Interested writers should send a brief bio or resume if any, and a narrative not to exceed one page that includes reasons and objectives for joining the writers group. Include contact information as well.

Please paste requested info into an email with subject header “MAPID Writers Group.”

Send to Ken Choy
[email protected]

For more information, please contact Ken Choy at [email protected].

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