The awards for the best Chinese Restaurants in the U.S. were handed out earlier in January at the sixth annual awards ceremony in Las Vegas for the Top 100 Chinese Restaurants. I was surprised to hear about this, as I hadn’t heard of these awards before, and the organization handing out these awards are already in their sixth year. A local SF Bay Area restaurant, Chef Chu’s of Los Altos, CA placed in the top 10, garnering the 8th place slot. Chef Chu is a restaurant I’ve been to a few times through the years, and always one where the food was exceptional. In addition to placing in the top 10, the organization recognized Chef Chu’s founder, Lawrence C. C. Chu, with the Lifetime Achievement Award of Excellence. Chu said his restaurant made the News’ top-100 list six years ago when the awards were first established and officials from the organization have repeatedly offered him the award since then. But Chu said he has declined each year since, stating he wanted the awards to rotate. More than 45,000 restaurants around the country compete for this honor. You can check out the complete list of winners at this website.
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