8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Who Is The Asian Woman Sitting Courtside At Lakers Home Games?
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Daughter of the Late Pat Morita Protests Karate Kid Remake
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Asian American Frozen Foods: Trader Joe’s Korean Style Beef Short Ribs
Monthly Archives: February 2010
[Mar 2] NORTHERN CA: Understanding Bollywood Through Music
Join Robin Sukhadia in this 6 session exploration of the magical aesthetic of Bollywood film music. Through screenings, discussions, in-class performance demonstrations, field trips (SF International Asian American Film Festival), and guest lecturers, students will deconstruct the arrangements, themes and structure of Bollywood film songs from the 1930’s to present day.
Bollywood film songs will be used to examine the larger context of South Asian culture. Film-viewing, readings, lecture, and d… Continue reading
Learning the Thai Language: “Pasa Thai”
By Lani Valapone Cox Sometimes I say as few words as possible to try to get away with being Thai, whether it is ordering food or getting into a songtaew; other times the vendor or mae ka will answer me … Continue reading
Are Asians “the New Jews?”
Sometime in college, a Jewish friend remarked to me, “you know what, Ernie? Jewish people are just like Asians, except Jewish people love therapy and Asians hate therapy.” Seems pretty accurate to me. Jeff Yang, over at his regular column … Continue reading
Posted in (simple), Observations
Filipino Food & Assimilation
So my Filipino Facebook friends have all referenced this article today about Filipino food in American culture in the Los Angeles Times discussing how Filipino food has remained “unassimilated” despite the relative prominence of Filipino chefs in various parts of … Continue reading
Posted in Food & Drink, Observations
[Feb 27] SOUTHERN CA: Aaron and Jane
If you like good music, check out guitar & cello duo, Aaron & Jane. Come check out self-taught guitar man Aaron and classically trained cellist Jane as they blend their voices and instruments.
This event is FREE!
Visit their website HERE to sample their original music. Continue reading
Posted in Events, Southern California
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[Feb 26] TORONTO: Taiwan Cinema: Yesterday and Today
February 23, 2010
Taiwan Cinema Yesterday and Today, the third Asian Institute film conference (festival), to be held on February 26-28 is co-presented by the Asian Institute at the University of Toronto and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Toronto.
Miss Canada, Lena Ma, will emcee a closed pre-Gala, VIP reception at the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at 5:00-6:00 p.m., as well as the Opening Night Gala at the Innis Town Hall at 6:30 p.m. on February 26. There… Continue reading
Posted in (simple)
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How to Cook Korean Food: Maangchi’s Korean Cooking Blog
I love to cook. I take Italian cooking class (making my own ricotta cheese!), love watching the Food Network and make pizza, bread, cakes and homemade ice cream during the weekends. Korean cooking, on the other hand, has always been … Continue reading
A Sydney Columnist’s Argument for “Sexual Racism”
Okay, I totally just baited you to read this blog entry; my bad. But in a recent opinion column in The Sydney Morning Herald, columnist Brendan Shanahan writes a piece criticizing the recent backlash against “Sexual Racism,” AKA “I’m just … Continue reading
Posted in (simple), Dating, Discrimination, Lifestyles
“Formosa Betrayed” Opens in Selected Cities 2/26: Win Tickets to Opening Weekend in Berkeley!
UPDATE: Congrats to the winner! “alicewong” will be seeing the movie this weekend at Landmark’s Shattuck! Also, filmmaker Will Tiao will speak with audiences for Q&As on Friday, February 26, at AMC Cupertino Square 16 in Cupertino at 1:40 showtimes, … Continue reading
Posted in (featured), Movies, Promotions, Reviews, San Francisco Bay Area
Japanese Bluegrass
I have a confession to make. Don’t judge me for this, but I enjoy bluegrass country music. Okay, let me clarify a couple things first. For one thing, I’m not a music expert. I enjoy listening music, I’ve taken my … Continue reading
Historic March for LGBTs in NYC’s Lunar New Year Parade
For the first time in the parade’s 11-year history, an LGBT group was allowed to march in the annual Lunar New Year Parade and Festival, which took place Sunday in New York City’s Chinatown. About 300 gays and their supporters … Continue reading
Posted in (simple), LGBT, New York
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