If you’re familiar with San Jose local news, then you’re already aware that the city’s Police Department isn’t in the best standing with the local Vietnamese population. This following the police shooting of mentally-ill Daniel Pham in the backyard of his home, and the violent, videotaped arrest of San Jose State University student Phuong Ho. Last week, San Jose Police Chief Rob Davis announced the appointment of Captain Phan S. Ngo, filling one of 4 deputy chief positions. As a child, Ngo was airlifted out of Saigon during the last days of the Vietnam War. He is the first Vietnamese American to serve as a deputy chief in San Jose, and also believed to be the highest-ranking Vietnamese-American officer on any major U.S. police department. Ngo also becomes the only nonwhite member of Davis’ top command staff, filling a job that has been open for months. Congratulations to Deputy Chief Ngo!
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