ABDC: Poreotix Called Out for “Self-Deprecating Asian Jokes”

I watch API representation in media, so I wanted to catch up on America’s Best Dance Crew, and especially the all-API team Poreotix. Tonight, they were called out for doing their ching-chong accent and ‘self-deprecating Asian’ jokes; at the end of the show they went up for elimination against Hype 5-0, another all-API crew. Poreotix won, and in the process came up with an awful term, “Asian Booty Disease.” What the hell is that supposed to mean? Enough with the anti-Asian BS; if we expect Adam Carolla to be affirming of Asians, why don’t we start with ourselves? And why is JC Chasez calling a guy ‘Jet Li’? — Ken C.

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