Whether you like it or not, shopping is the cheapest therapy out there, and it’s a lot healthier than eating your feelings. That’s why we here at 8Asians are proud to launch GASP!, a sister website dedicated to all things shopping related for products that highlight the Asian and Asian-North American community. GASP! — which stands for GO ASIAN SHOPPING POWER! , bad grammar on purpose — will offer readers a chance to window shop through their browsers for the perfect thing you’ve always wanted, whether that’s cool T-shirt designs by local APA craftsmen (and craftswomen), limited edition art prints, books or random tchotke that only crazy Japanese people would invent, we’re all over it.
So be a friend and check us out, or subscribe to our RSS feed! If you’ve got a product that would be perfect for GASP! to feature, we’d love to hear from you; see you there!