When you’re a former CEO of Ebay, billionaire and have pledged that you’re willing to spend up to $150M of your own money to run for governor of California like Meg Whitman has, the sky is the limit on what you can do. Whitman has just launched her commercials in Mandarin and Cantonese, which I’m sure will be playing in local Mandarin and Cantonese television stations in San Francisco and Los Angeles, if not in other major Californian cities. Whitman’s website is already translated into Chinese. To her credit, I certainly appreciate that Whitman is reaching out to the Chinese language press and audience; I’m just against Whitman trying to suffocate the airwaves with all of her ad spending. I’m against millionaires and billionaires on both sides of the isle to overpower their opponents, whether it be Mayor Michael Bloomberg and former Governor and Senator Jon Corzine. For the record: as a Democrat, I am supporting Jerry Brown. Plus, I’m not a fan of former executives who shove their Asian American employees.
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