China and Brazil Basketball Team Brawls, Idiot Columnist Breaks Record for Racist Jokes

Okay, so China and Brazil has a basketball game — ironically, a “friendly” match — which is then cut short when the game ends in a brawl. (Check out the video of Chinese players kicking a couple of Brazilian players on the ground, and get your seventh grade revenge fantasies out while you can, folks.)

While that isn’t too worthy of a blog post, what is is this miserable excuse for a sports column by Oklahoma based “humorist” Stan Siliman, where he pulls out every cliched Asian reference in the book, starting out by quoting the song “Kung Fu Fighting,” makes a Chuck Norris AND Jackie Chan reference, a couple more references to kung fu; his article is less about the altercation and more about his ability for him to make snarky comments to Chinese products at Walmart and the US Chamber of Commerce. Xenophobic, chip-on-the-shoulder much? (His mailing address, phone number and e-mail are freely available on his website if you want him to know what you really think of the article. [UPDATE: From a commenter, the phone number may be incorrect.] Hat tip: Koji)

About Ernie

I'm the creator of 8 Asians and one of the editors. While I'm a regular blogger to the site as well, think of my role as Barbara Walters on "The View," except without the weird white hair. During the day, I'm a Developer for a major Internet company and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've also been writing in my blog,, for seven years.
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