Announcing The “Evil Chinese Professor” Meme-Off

There’s been some controversy on the web lately about a racist political ad paid for by the “Citizens of Political Waste” which has sparked up some conversation with other Asian American blogs around the web. (OH NOEZ, THE CHINESE MAY OWN US VOTE SARAH PALIN! Lord.) So how do we combat this potentially damaging xenophobia? Parody.

That’s right, because 8Asians is teaming up with several other blogs: Reappropriate, Disgrasian and Angry Asian Man — to produce an “Evil Chinese Professor” meme-off. That’s right, bitches: it’s your job to make this kinda trolley political ad full of pretty-obviously Asian American looking people laughing about America’s takeover by the motherland into a goddamn video meme worthy of all those pissed off Hitler videos.

  1. Download the blank “Evil Chinese Professor” .mov video file (or grab the .zip package that contains some extra goodies like a helpful script).
  2. Make a creative and funny parody.
  3. Upload your video to YouTube.
  4. Send your YouTube link to [email protected] before November 27th.

Entries will be judged, prizes will be awarded, and political organizations will surely send cease and desist orders and a flurry of xenophobic blog comments! Can you wait? I sure as fuck can’t!

UPDATE: It has been communicated to us that someone has found our “HOLOGRAMS SO BIG” caption above hypocritical and offensive. We apologize for this decision, and humbly offer an alternative caption for your perusal.

About Ernie

I'm the creator of 8 Asians and one of the editors. While I'm a regular blogger to the site as well, think of my role as Barbara Walters on "The View," except without the weird white hair. During the day, I'm a Developer for a major Internet company and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've also been writing in my blog,, for seven years.
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