China Snubs Nobel Prize, Launches Confucius Peace Prize Instead

So, let’s say you’re China, and you’re receiving worldwide criticism because this year’s peace prize recipient is Liu Xiaobo, one of your jailed dissidents. What to do? Besides calling them “clowns,” you create your own Peace Prize called the Confucious Peace Prize, that’s what. And then you give it to the former Taiwan vice president Lien Chan, “for promoting peace between Taiwan and mainland China.” Being in a political party that supports eventual re-unification with Mainland China helps. What? A peace award that fits into its own propaganda-like purposes? You don’t say!

About Ernie

I'm the creator of 8 Asians and one of the editors. While I'm a regular blogger to the site as well, think of my role as Barbara Walters on "The View," except without the weird white hair. During the day, I'm a Developer for a major Internet company and live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I've also been writing in my blog,, for seven years.
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