Where to Learn Chinese in the SF Bay Area?

The other day, I received an email from a friend of mine, Tracy, who while on maternity leave, had an inspiration to create a site called WhereToLearnChinese.com:

“I created WhereToLearnChinese.com to help us share and discover great places for learning Chinese in our community. I compiled the directory from a number of sources, including parents’ groups and other organizations.  I hope you find it useful!”

When I read the domain name, I thought, “Damn. I wish I had registered that!” Tracy created the directory for schools and activities in the San Francisco Bay Area, though she has gotten requests to expand this nationwide. If you are looking for a place for your child (or yourself) to learn Chinese or know of a new place, please check out the site!

About John

I'm a Taiwanese-American and was born & raised in Western Massachusetts, went to college in upstate New York, worked in Connecticut, went to grad school in North Carolina and then moved out to the Bay Area in 1999 and have been living here ever since - love the weather and almost everything about the area (except the high cost of housing...)
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