8Asians’ The A-Word: Episode #3 – Sexism, Masculinity, Blondes and Keychains

  • “a word” [noun] – a short talk or conversation
  • “A-Word” [noun] – a unit of the English language, starting with the letter ‘A’

8Asians’ The A-Word — the official podcast of 8Asians.com — aims to be a fun conversation piece talking expertly about things we don’t know about, and having very serious debates about trivial things. Guests for this episode — recorded April 21, 2011 — are the editors for 8Asians: Ernie Hsiung, Moye Ishimoto and Joz Wang (@ErnieAtLYD, @moye and @Jozjozjoz, respectively) and are joined by another 8Asians contributor Tim Chiu. In this scandalous episode we talk about sexism, petitions, sexist petitions, masculinity, Asian blondes and dead animal keychains.

Also, if you figure out who the heckler is — or where the hecklers in our podcast are from — you’ll win something from us!

Apologizes in advance for the audio – Moye needs to close her window, Ernie needs to not be in a room in a theatre where there is a party going on and everyone needs to buy a headset mic — I mean — We’re still working out kinks, so any comments, feedback and suggestions are welcomed. You can also contact us and send any messages to us there.

About Xxxtine

The main Canuck here I (sometimes) give a different perspective. I used to be 'read only' but you can actually hear me via POP 88 on 8Asians podcasting sister site Popcast88.com. Always trying to find that right balance between fluff and substance, I tend to focus my interests in discovering different perspectives. Look forward to hearing (and perhaps seeing) things you wouldn't anywhere else. Current vice and embarrassingly obsessed with: Kpop group AFTER SCHOOL
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