This video, titled “Asian Baller Schools and Dunks on Lebron James,” has been making the rounds. Lebron James was playing on an NBA goodwill tour at a game in Taiwan when, as you can see at 0:15, one of the Taiwanese players steals the ball, goes down the court and gets a dunk. While the title of the video says that he “dunks on” LeBron, some blogs point out that he really doesn’t.
To “dunk on Lebron” (in the typical usage), LeBron would have to be in front of the Asian guy who would dunk over the top of Lebron. While the Asian Baller does outrun LeBron and avoid his block, he doesn’t do an “in your face” move over him, unlike LeBron dunking over this poor kid in a game of knockout.
For LeBron’s part, he did not react rashly after getting the ball stolen from him. I remember one basketball game when Number Two Son stole the ball from a player, that player gave him a hard foul, a shove in the back, just as he was about to do a layup off of the steal. I think that stealing the ball from LeBron and getting the dunk is pretty awesome. Even if LeBron wasn’t trying 100%, it’s quite an achievement and shows that Asians can be ballers!
H/T: Rahat