The Pho Garden Challenge requires that you eat a bowl of pho with two pounds of noodles and two pounds of meat in less than one hour. When I saw a recent article on this food challenge, I looked into the subject more, and found that it is a popular subject for dozens of Asian American videos. What is it about this challenge that compels Asian Americans to try it? I personally think that noodles, being individually not so heavy, makes this food challenge seem easy. After all, how difficult could it be to slurp a bunch of noodles?
Apparently, very difficult. The challenge defeats 4 out of 5 people who take it. Men and women have all failed. Some people try elaborate strategies like expanding their stomachs with water and eating lettuce heads and separating the noodles from the broth. Big guys like Big Jon and Homie Gus of We Eating TV gave their best shot but failed. Winners get a painted pho bowl, a picture, and the pho for free, but losers must pay $22 and get some additional humiliation. All contests must sign a liability waiver.
How do professional competitive eaters do with the Pho Garden Challenge? It’s easy for them, as Joey Chestnut finished the challenge easily and even had some fried bananas and ice cream afterward for dessert. The Pho Garden challenge has even spawned imitators, as there is also a similar pho challenge in Sacramento.
I think that if I tried it, the broth would slow me down, and the meat and tripe would make it hard to really continue. Plus, I’ve slowed down as I have gotten older and one bowl is more than enough for me, so I am amazed at anyone who can complete this challenge. Perhaps each winner of the challenge should be designed a “pho king.”