UC Berkeley Campus Republicans Plan Race-Based Bake Sale

From CNN: Berkeley Campus Republicans have developed “a sliding scale where the price of the cookie or brownie depends on your gender and the color of your skin … ‘The pricing structure is there to bring attention, to cause people to get a little upset,’ Campus Republican President Shawn Lewis, who planned the event. ‘But it’s really there to cause people to think more critically about what this kind of policy would do in university admissions.’ But the young Republicans have been on the receiving end of a fierce backlash. Reaction has been so negative they’ve been forced to cancel their customary lunchtime tabling duties.” Lewis says it’s a way to make a statement about pending legislation that would let the California universities consider race or national origin during the admission process.

About Mihee

Mihee lives in the Mid-West with her husband, toddler-aged twins (yes, terrible twos is actually a thing), and baby #3. Though her reserve of brain cells is seriously depleted she is still passionate about Asian American culture, religion and social justice for marginalized people, stories about Korea, sports, and power naps. During the day, she spends a lot of time trying to remember which baby needs to eat or get a diaper change, mentoring and ministering to college students, occasionally taking a walk, writing, watching Sportscenter, or grabbing coffee. You can read her blog here.
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