So what’s this Inside Out Project? Well, it was founded by JR, winner of a TED prize. As a part of this project, Stefanie emailed us saying that she’s working on a project specifically to talk about the under-representation of Asian Americans in media today. Here’s what she has to say:
How many Asian Americans do you see during prime time TV? I’m looking for Asian American aspiring artist, musicians, singers, writers, actors, etc. in the New York City area from the ages of 18-30. These artists will show the power that Asian Americans have. It will serve to encourage others to continue step up and make a difference, especially in art and media. And it will show every one else, that we cannot be defined by stereotypes and cultural references.
If you’re interested, email Stefanie at aanyc.insideout[at] Your head shot photo will get posted around Times Square somewhere – can’t wait to see the final results!