Nightline Features Simple Pickup Artists

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I was watching Nightline the other night, and for some reason, they decided to do a segment on “pick up artists,” specifically Simple Pickup, a group of three mid-twenty-something-looking , Jason, Jesse and Kong – maybe because their videos have become a YouTube sensation, with over 10 million views since February of this year. I was pleasantly surprised to see Kong and Jesse representing.

I’m not exactly sure how Kong and Jesse are different from the The Asian Playboy pick up artist, but I thought the segment itself was interesting, showing how some of the guys were even able to get phone numbers when they were in wheel chairs and when a woman was responding to how she thought women responded more to confidence in men than looks. A Salon blog post described Simple Pickup’s videos:

Think of Simple Pickup’s videos as the male equivalent of the Hollywood 48-hour miracle diet; after all, men gaining confidence may be the closest corollary to women losing weight. By capturing evidence that they can pick up a girl in any situation, Simple Pickup is essentially saying, “I lost 30 pounds in two days! Here’s the proof! And you can too!” They make picking up numbers look easy; when you watch it enough times, you’ll realize that it actually is.

I’d be curious if any 8Asians readers have come across the Simple Pickup videos and if they’ve had any success using their techniques.

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About John

I'm a Taiwanese-American and was born & raised in Western Massachusetts, went to college in upstate New York, worked in Connecticut, went to grad school in North Carolina and then moved out to the Bay Area in 1999 and have been living here ever since - love the weather and almost everything about the area (except the high cost of housing...)
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