It was just over a month ago (right before Linsanity started) that I made a post entitled: TMZ Asks Apolo Anton Ohno, “Who is the Best Asian-American Athlete?” after a TMZ cameraman stalked Apolo Ohno while he was leaving the gym and asked, “Who is the best Asian-American[sic] athlete?”
In January, Apolo answered the question with “Manny Pacquiao” — whom even TMZ noted — is Asian, but not American. None of our commenters even mentioned Jeremy Lin, even though we’ve covered him for years.
As a testament as to how quickly Jeremy Lin’s star has risen, I think that TMZ, Apolo — and let’s face it, the whole world — would probably not be this stumped by the question if asked today. What a difference a month, a few NBA records, and a gazillion Lin-puns make.
- Excited
- Fascinated
- Amused
- Disgusted
- Sad
- Angry