In the land of technology known as Silicon Valley, tiger moms were pushing their cubs to become software engineers, computer programmers, and doctors. While these litters of young people did their best to reconcile personal passion and lucrative career paths, one cub had already figured out his goal. Born left-handed and just one minute before his twin brother, this cub wasn’t a tiger. It was a lion—headstrong and fierce, already knowing from a young age that “doing what you love” is life’s best policy.
Lions are recurring symbols in the art of Andrew Agutos. They can be found in his necklaces and on his canvasses. Currently on track to receive a BFA from California College of the Arts in San Francisco this spring, Andrew has successfully finished his senior showcase and launched a jewelry line. He even has an illustrated persona named “droop”, a heavy-lidded self-caricature that sums up his artistic style and mentality. “Droop” was spawned during Andrew’s downtime while working at the San Jose Museum of Art and is now the focus of his jewelry collections.
Dream Droop jewelry includes necklaces, keychains, oversize pendants, and statement pins. Each piece is hand assembled by Andrew himself, and the materials, including acrylic, wood, and printed cloth, change every season. Add an element of creativity to your outfit with the Droop Necklace ($30), or pick a different piece of your liking at the Dream Droop store.
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