Laughter Is The Best Medicine…For Racism.

Sometimes when the world seems just a little bit too overwhelmingly racist, I sit myself in front of the computer and surf the internet for good stand-up comedy.

Because sometimes, when you encounter kinds of racism that seems to be incurable, the only thing you can do is laugh at it. And hope that eventually, those racist people who are being laughed at will feel ashamed enough to stop doing whatever racist thing they’re doing. And that eventually, there will be no more racist people to laugh at.

Let’s get you started with these:

Amir K – Fake Terrorist

Margaret Cho – RACISM

Speak Up Act Up – Race in America

About Mina

I'm a compilation of lots of identities: japanese/hong kongnese immigrant, APIA, (fierce) womyn of color and third culture kid (TCK). And when I grow up, I want to be just like Yuri Kochiyama #BlueScholars
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