6,297 Chinese Restaurants with David Chan

David Chan hated Chinese food as a kid. He’s third generation Chinese American, and his parents refrained from sending him to Chinese school while cooking “American” food at home to help Chan fit in more into mainstream American culture in a Los Angeles city that barely had half a percent of its population APIA when Chan was a kid in the 50s. He still can’t use chopsticks. But there’s probably no one on the planet that knows Chinese restaurants like Chan does. Featured in the LA Times, this now 64 year old lawyer and accountant holds the record of having eaten at 6,297 Chinese restaurants and counting. The above video is about a restaurant that ranked 6th in Chan’s top ten Chinese restaurant picks, Din Tai Fung. All of the restaurants on his top list are in California, and 7 out of 10 are in the San Gabriel Valley (SGV). Being an Angelino, maybe he’s biased, but hey, if he is, he’s biased in the right direction in my book. I’ve tried most of the places on his list, and yeah, pretty much awesome sauce.

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