8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Who Is The Asian Woman Sitting Courtside At Lakers Home Games?
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
Daughter of the Late Pat Morita Protests Karate Kid Remake
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
Monthly Archives: May 2013
President Obama Speaks at the AAPI Heritage Month Celebration (And explains the lipstick on his collar)
President Obama delivers remarks an the Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month celebration at the White House earlier this week. What got the most attention from Obama was his remarks on the lipstick on his collar. One of the … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Entertainment, Politics, TV
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Learning Mandarin in Taiwan: My Story
By Lianne Lin I’m a second generation ABC (American Born Chinese) who grew up knowing little to no Chinese. My father is ABC as well, born in San Francisco to immigrant parents from Guangdong, China, and my mom was born … Continue reading
Posted in Lifestyles, Observations
Mark Twain – Asian American Activist
With May being Asian Pacific American heritage month, there are plenty of Asian American heroes to celebrate. But the majority of Americans may have overlooked the Asian American activism of one very prominent American hero–Mark Twain. Lauded as the father … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, History
Pelenise Faataui: Dancing Against San Francisco Bullets
While stories about the wealth and influence of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have been widely publicized, many AAPIs aren’t rich and struggle in dangerous surroundings. This video tells the story of Pelenise Faataui, who teaches Samoan dancing in front … Continue reading
Posted in Local, San Francisco Bay Area, The Arts
Tagged Bayview, Hunter's Point, Pelenise Faataui, Samoan Dance, San Francisco, Silicon Valley De-Bug
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Breed Out The Tibetans?: What Some Chinese Think
At a business brunch with a dozen Chinese investors, the topic of Tibet came up. It started when one of them said that the Tibetans are lazy, stupid, spend all their time on prayer, refuse to work, and only take … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, DUDE WTF ASIA, Observations, Politics, WTF
Tagged China, Tibet
YouTube Comedy: What Kind of Asian Are You?
When I saw the title of this YouTube video, I was wondering what it was all about? (like, Model Minority Asian? Hipster Asian?) When I saw a white guy approaching the Asian American woman, I thought this video might be … Continue reading
Posted in Comedy, Discrimination, Entertainment, Observations, TV
Visiting Manzanar
Have you been to Manzanar? If not, go. Go soon. It is worth the trip on so many levels. I had the good fortune and opportunity to visit Manzanar National Historic Monument this past spring. First, the ride there.
Posted in Discrimination, History
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The Launch of Datepress and the Terracotta Warriors Exhibit in San Francisco
If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area this weekend, then reserve your tickets to the Terracotta Warriors Exhibit at Asian Art Museum now. Monday, Memorial Day, will be the final exhibition day before the warriors leave the museum. Although … Continue reading
Posted in Events, Local, San Francisco Bay Area
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R.I.P. Lieutenant Sulu, in ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’
By Leeland Lee Spoiler alert: In the latest installment of the Star Trek franchise reboot, Lieutenant Sulu dies a cruel, horrific death. How does it happen? Does he get vanquished at the hands of a murderous Klingon? Sucked into a … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Movies
Hate Map: Tweets Negatively Referring to “Chink”
In my lifetime, I’ve been called a “Chink” more than a “Jap.” Of course this doesn’t stop people on YouTube from calling me a “Jap.” To be fair, this was in response to my movie “Chink” and I did want … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination
I am South Indian, Hindu, Buddhist, American… But Am I Asian, Too?
Let me start my first article on a lighter note–an anecdote from my freshman year of college, more than 10 years ago. I was at the In-N-Out across the street from the dorms sitting on a bar stool along with … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Entertainment, Lifestyles, Observations
Chef Ming Tsai & White House Executive Chef Cook Healthy for American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
As you know, the month of May is American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and thus it’s no surprise that the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, the First Lady’s Let’s Move! Initiative and the U.S. Department … Continue reading