Anime Review: Tonari no Seki-kun: The Master of Killing Time

Remember that kid in class that seemed to always be goofing off and not paying attention to the teacher? Well, that kid has got nothing on Seki-kun. Seki is the desk neighbor of Rumi in class. They sit in the last row in class, about as far away from the teacher as you can get. Rumi is a really studious and responsible girl who is scandalized by her neighbor Seki because he’s always goofing off in an extravagant manner. Whether it’s building a volcano or running a working post office or playing a dramatic game of chess with himself, he’s always doing something incredibly elaborate to waste time in class. Rumi finds herself in a constant state of stress, wanting so much to tell him to stop his antics and get back to work, but instead, she is always getting pulled into whatever it is Seki happens to be concocting for his waste-time project of the day.

Each episode of this anime is really short, just about 8 minutes each, but they’re fun and entertaining to watch. It’s a nice end of the work day wind down series to watch that’s not too much commitment, not too complicated, but still puts a smile on your face.

You can watch the entire first episode free on Crunchyroll.

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