Earlier this week, the New York City Democratic and Republican mayoral primaries occurred, and candidate Andrew Yang did not perform well:
“Andrew Yang, a former 2020 presidential candidate whose name recognition once made him an early front-runner in the New York mayor’s race, conceded on Tuesday night after trailing badly in early vote tallies.
Mr. Yang was joined by his wife, Evelyn, and other supporters, and spoke in a somber tone that contrasted with the enthusiasm and energy that marked his campaign. He reflected on his rise from relative obscurity to public prominence in just three years, a transformation that helped galvanize a group of loyal supporters, often via social media, and gave him a platform in the city. … “I am not going to be mayor of New York City based on the numbers that have come in tonight,” he said. “I am conceding this race, though we’re not sure ultimately who the next mayor is going to be. Whoever that person is, I will be very happy to work with them to help improve the lives of the 8.3 million people who live in our great city, and I encourage other people to do the same.””
Yang came in fouth out of a very crowded field of candidates. Although I haven’t been following the primary race too closely, I was still surprised by Yang’s poor showing . Yang’s name recognition and early lead polling led me to believe that he might have done better than he did.
It’ll be interesting to see where Yang goes from here – if he continues to look at elected office opportunities or other public service roles or go back to the non-profit or private sector. I don’t think this will be the last we hear of Yang, and I hope it isn’t. Although Yang was far from a perfect presidential or mayoral candidate, he really did help elevate the visbility of Asian Americans in the United States as well as New York City.