8Questions with AWW Film’s David Aure

By Julie Shen

David Aure, a rising Filipino American producer and director based in Anaheim, CA, brings a unique and captivating style to the scene. Known for his work with Erick Yung, Russ Cosón, and the five-member K-pop group Nomad, Aure has achieved significant success but continues to push forward. From initially buying a camera to record his son’s life to now running his own production company, AWW Films, his story is a testament to persistence, determination, and hard work.

With the local STEAM Fair in Diamond Bar, CA just around the corner, I took the opportunity to ask Aure eight questions to gain more insight into his process and the journey that has led him to where he is today.

1. Thank you for agreeing to be interviewed and we’re so lucky to have you here! Can you start by giving our readers a brief introduction to who you are?

I’m David Aure, proud dad to two amazing kids, Kai (5) and Sage (2), and married to my best friend, Michelle. I’m turning 40 this year, but I’m still out here chasing dreams with their love and support.

2. Can you describe how you got into film direction and production?

I started out as a singer-songwriter, but when life called for more stability, I pivoted. Someone paid me to make a video, and that spark turned into a full-blown passion for film.

3. What inspired you to create your own film production company, AWW Films?

Aww Films is a mix of my love for music and working with awesome people. I’ve always been about collaboration and creating cool stuff with friends, so starting a production company felt like the perfect way to keep that energy going.

4. What were some of your biggest challenges in the early stages of creating AWW Films?

The biggest struggle was learning to make smart decisions while trying to keep everyone happy. I love bringing people together, but I’m still figuring out how to balance that with running a business.

5. Which projects are you most proud of?

Honestly, it’s always the last project I finished. Every time I wrap something up, it feels like the best one yet because I’m always improving and putting in the reps.

  1. What influences or inspirations do you draw from when creating a new film?

I get my inspiration from the artist or client. I’m more of a guide helping them bring their vision to life, and I love that creative trust that lets me do my thing while staying true to what they want.

  1. Are there any future projects you’re looking forward to?

I’m always looking forward to whatever’s next. This industry is wild, so I’m excited to keep proving myself and showing that Aww Films can hang with the best.

  1. What advice would you give people that want to pursue a creative career?

Don’t try to do it all. Figure out what lights you up, find people who push you to be better, and treat everyone like they’re a key player—because when you need them, they’ll show up.

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