Asian American Medical Hazard: Childhood Allergies

A recent study of Asian American children in Northern California has revealed that Asian American children are more likely to develop certain allergies than white children.  When broken down by Asian American subgroup, Filipino children were almost twice as likely as white children to get allergic rhinitis and asthma. I had both as a child and still have allergic rhinitis (“hay fever”). Korean, Japanese, and Chinese children were more likely to have eczema and food allergies, but less likely to have asthma.  The authors of the article cite these kind of results as showing the need for disaggregated Asian health data and more research.

The article we cited from Stat News is an editorial and a summary of a paper that was published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology:  In Practice.

About Jeff

Jeff lives in Silicon Valley, and attempts to juggle marriage, fatherhood, computer systems research, running, and writing.
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