Top Chef’s Pretty Padma: Fashionista & Foodie

I love food. I am not terribly fashionable, although some people have said they “like my style.” I’m not sure what that means; maybe I would label my style as casual hippy-urban, because I basically wear flowy tanktops and shorts with black Kangaroo kicks, or graphic tees and jeans with Chacos whenever I can get away with it. Anyways, whatever.

So of course, I’m insanely admiring (i.e. jealous) of both Top Chef Masters host Kelly Choi and Top Chef host Padma Lakshmi, two beautiful APA women who are successful and not only experts on food–they get to eat incredible food for a regular living! And talk about it! And judge people and make shrewd, interesting comments about it!

When I got sucked into Top Chef, the food drama was a big factor, but I was definitely enamored with Padma, the gorgeous Indian-born host of the show. She has an easy, effortless way about her in the way she talks and gracefully carries herself, her fashion sense and obviously discerning palate. She really and truly exhibits the “Easy Exotic.” The new season is based in Washington, DC and airs Wednesday nights on Bravo. Can’t wait to watch my lady-crush all season!

About Mihee

Mihee lives in the Mid-West with her husband, toddler-aged twins (yes, terrible twos is actually a thing), and baby #3. Though her reserve of brain cells is seriously depleted she is still passionate about Asian American culture, religion and social justice for marginalized people, stories about Korea, sports, and power naps. During the day, she spends a lot of time trying to remember which baby needs to eat or get a diaper change, mentoring and ministering to college students, occasionally taking a walk, writing, watching Sportscenter, or grabbing coffee. You can read her blog here.
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