Welcome to the Uncanny Valley, population you. From our good friends at LaughingSquid, Japanese company CloneFactory will make a 20″ tall doll that looks EXACTLY like you, for about $1750. So it’s still a doll, with the little arms and legs. But with your face and clothes. AND YOUR SOUL.
Clearly, I had to get Moye’s take on this over Instant Messenger. Which you can read, after the jump.
Moye: I feel like there are already 10 other stores like this on Etsy.
Ernie: What? The creepy face dolls? Really?
Moye: I’m half kidding. But there are a lot of artist who make cutesy caricatures of yourself.
Ernie: Yeah, these aren’t cutesy though. These are more like, wake up in the middle of the night and the doll comes six inches closer to you, while it whispers, “If i can’t love you, no one will.”
Moye: “I don’t love you because I am you.”
Ernie: “And because I hate myself I hate you, too.” [stabby motions]
Moye: “I look like a disappointment because I look like you.”
Ernie: High five, we just wrote a Korean horror movie!