8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
The Difference Between Internment Camps and Concentration Camps
Asian American Frozen Foods: Trader Joe’s Korean Style Beef Short Ribs
Review of Netflix Japan’s “Our Secret Diary”
Author Archives: akrypti
Who are we? Asian American, Asian-American, APA, API, APIA, AAPI, or what?
We can’t seem to agree on a designation, which makes sense: we can’t ever seem to agree on anything. As Asians, unity isn’t really our thing. (Although for purposes of this post, let’s assume we all agree “mongoloid race” and … Continue reading
Posted in Lifestyles, Politics
Meet the 8Asians: Shako
Get to know the writers who make 8Asians possible! Joz started the “Meet the 8Asians” series a while back when she introduced our then resident heartthrob Brian. Now meet some of our new writers on staff, Shako, a Los Angeles based … Continue reading
Posted in 8Series
Breed Out The Tibetans?: What Some Chinese Think
At a business brunch with a dozen Chinese investors, the topic of Tibet came up. It started when one of them said that the Tibetans are lazy, stupid, spend all their time on prayer, refuse to work, and only take … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, DUDE WTF ASIA, Observations, Politics, WTF
Tagged China, Tibet
The Launch of Datepress and the Terracotta Warriors Exhibit in San Francisco
If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area this weekend, then reserve your tickets to the Terracotta Warriors Exhibit at Asian Art Museum now. Monday, Memorial Day, will be the final exhibition day before the warriors leave the museum. Although … Continue reading
Posted in Events, Local, San Francisco Bay Area
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The Role of Asian Greeks Today
The first Asian American fraternity was formed in upstate New York around the time of World War I to combat the racial discrimination that Asian college students faced. Basically, because Asians were excluded from the white people’s clubs, the guys decided … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment, Lifestyles, Observations
Tagged Asian fraternity, Asian Greeks, Asian sorority, college
What It Means To Be a U.S. Citizen
“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign . . . state or sovereignty . . . ; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the … Continue reading
Posted in Community, Lifestyles, Observations, Politics
Tagged China, Chinese immigrants, citizenship, immigration
The ABC and FOB Divide
When was the first time you became aware of a distinction between Asians born and raised in the States and Asians who are recent immigrants from Asia? Or, per the terminology I learned, when did you first realize you were either an ABC or … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Lifestyles, Observations, Politics
Where are the Asian Tarot Readers?
People of color, especially Asians, form associations around their race for every topic– blogging, voting, golfing, farming, realtors, lawyers, doctors, chess players, musicians, journalists, kidney donors, Republicans, Democrats, pole dancing, basketball, you name it, there is probably a group of Asians who … Continue reading
How Much Are You Worth, Chinese Bride-to-Be?
Today I realized that five years ago, my mother-in-law valued me at $10,000.00. Louisa Lim’s piece on NPR, For Chinese Women, Marriage Depends On Right Bride Price, sheds light on that seemingly arbitrary check I received before my wedding day. … Continue reading
Posted in Business, Current Events, Dating, Lifestyles, Observations, Politics
“You are so stupid.” Have Chinese Americans Been Overreacting This Whole Time?
You aren’t authentically Chinese/Taiwanese unless your mother has at some point called you stupid, or as I’ve heard it in Mandarin, bèn (笨). Don’t misinterpret: my parents love me to pieces and today, 30-some odd years later, our relationship couldn’t be stronger. However, I … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Observations, WTF