8 Most Popular Posts (Last Seven Days)
Asian American Commercial Watch: Liberty Mutual Insurance’s ‘First Word | Truth Tellers’
In a Post-Apocalyptic Zombie World, Asian American Man Gets White Girl
Asian Guys and that One Long Pinky Fingernail
Do Asians Have Body Hair?
‘Fresh off the Boat’ Episode Review: “Clean Slate”
The Difference Between Internment Camps and Concentration Camps
Internet Page Reveals How to Talk Dirty in Tagalog
A Guide To A Buddhist/Chinese/American Funeral
Author Archives: Bo
DJing Korean Wunderkinds
A different kind of Asian musical prodigy. These kids are amazing. Rumor has it that she’s 7 and he’s 5. [Editors note: Whoops! Actually, the kids are Japanese.]
Posted in Entertainment
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Stop blaming MSG!
The New York Times ran a story today about Robyn O’Brien, a mother of three in Colorado, who recently began a crusade to educate people on what she believes to be the link between food additives and the perceived increase … Continue reading
Posted in Discrimination, Food & Drink, Observations
Barack Obama Wins Iowa Democratic Caucus
I assume that most everyone has already read that Barack Obama won the Iowa Democratic caucus tonight, the first step towards winning the party nomination… and then possibly the White House. Depending on your political leanings you may either be … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Observations, Politics
Trans-racial Adoptive Parents Behaving Badly
It has not been a good week for trans-racial adoptive parents. First there was the case of the Dutch diplomat and his wife, which I wrote about earlier this week, who dumped their adopted Korean daughter on Hong Kong officials after … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Observations
Dutch couple returns Korean adopted daughter cause she “doesn’t fit”
A Dutch diplomat and his wife dumped their eight year old Korean adopted daughter on Hong Kong officials claiming that she was unable to “fit in” with the family. Not surpringly, the couple’s horrific act has made headline news around … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events
Are Filipinos Asian or Pacific Islanders?
8 Asians was recently asked the question: Why do some Asian-Americans say that Filipinos are actually Pacific Islanders, and not really Asian? Our fearless leader Ernie threw the question out to the teaming masses and the answer we came up … Continue reading
Posted in Observations
Speaking of “Yellow Face”: David Henry Hwang
AsianWeek’s recent review of infamous Yellow Face performance (which John blogged about earlier this week) seems particularly timely given that David Henry Hwang’s first new play in 10 years, Yellow Face, opened this week at the historic Public Theater in … Continue reading
Posted in Entertainment
Can’t We All Just Get Along? New research explores tensions between US’ largest ethnic groups
New American Media, the nations first and largest collaboration of ethnic news media, released the results of the first multilingual poll examining how the US’ largest ethnic groups feel about each other, as well as their attitudes on key elements … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Observations
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Presidential Campaign Staff Diversity: Should it matter?
DiversityInc. recently took a look at the campaign staff diveristy of the leading presidential candidates. Considering that the democratic party has three diverse candidates (Hilary Clinton, Bill Richardson, and Barack Obama) to the republican’s big fat zero, it’s no surprise … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Everyone’s favorite billionaire mayor warns Chinese of global warming
It’s amazing to think that it’s only been 35 years since Nixon first visited China and began the process of normalizing relations between the two countries. Mike Bloomberg, possibly the worlds most powerful mayor, is spending a few days kicking … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events
Reason 422 for why I would be a horrible Japanese man
Besides the fact that I am neither Japanese nor male, I also have absolutely no desire to weigh 120 lbs. According to this article in the International Herald Tribune, the hottest new trend amongst hip, young Japanese men is to … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events
Who should sculpt MLK Jr?
A Chinese artist was selected to sculpt the planned Martin Luther King Jr. tribute in Washington D.C. and now the CA chapter of the NAACP, black artists, and American granite workers are in a xenophobic tizzy. Objectors have taken issue … Continue reading
Posted in Current Events, Discrimination