Author Archives: Mihee

About Mihee

Mihee lives in the Mid-West with her husband, toddler-aged twins (yes, terrible twos is actually a thing), and baby #3. Though her reserve of brain cells is seriously depleted she is still passionate about Asian American culture, religion and social justice for marginalized people, stories about Korea, sports, and power naps. During the day, she spends a lot of time trying to remember which baby needs to eat or get a diaper change, mentoring and ministering to college students, occasionally taking a walk, writing, watching Sportscenter, or grabbing coffee. You can read her blog here.

Why Should APAs Go Green?

A crazy-funny friend of mine blogs about the ways that Korean moms are environmentally conscientious and — to use the word creatively — “green.” Hilarious, but there’s much that is frighteningly true to life here in terms of saving the environment being … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events | 2 Comments

Wake Up and Smell the Violence: Frustration from the Philadelphia High School Attacks

I can’t remember how long attacks on Asian students have been going on at this Philadelphia high school, but I remember seeing links to it on Angry Asian Man a while back — in December, over thirty Asian immigrant students … Continue reading

Posted in Current Events, Discrimination, Observations | 2 Comments